Monday, 20 May 2019

US versus THEM

LATE MAY - After my previous ‘muse’ entitled ‘The Eyes Have It’ I thought at that time this next muse would be about money and banking. Not so. The political shenanigans going on in Britain these days have caused me to think again. And then I came across a quote by the late Bill Hicks, American stand-up comedian, social critic, satirist and musician.
“I ascribe to Mark Twain's theory that the last person who should be (President) Prime Minister is the one who wants it the most. The one who should be picked is the one who should be dragged kicking and screaming into the (White House) House of Commons.” ― Bill Hicks
That’s the theory. Then my thoughts turned to an ancient instruction-cum-admonition which I first heard years ago. It reads: “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.” That’s the one that changed my mind about what to write today. What if that turns out to be good advice?

In a few days time Mrs May expects Britain to vote in the EU elections and by the time this muse sees the light of day the voting will be over . . . but not the consequences of our actions.

Who should we vote for/for whom should we vote? Robin Tilbrook, the Chairman of the English Democrats and a Solicitor, has started a case to block the UK Government from extending the Article 50 Notice or revoking it without first having to get an Act of Parliament. 

“The constitutional law set out in the Gina Millar case is, in my legal opinion, clear and unchallengeable that any attempt to extend the Article 50 Notice or to revoke it without a specific Act of Parliament will be invalid and unlawful.  That would mean that if there has been a purported attempt to extend the Notice by agreement without an Act of Parliament that that would be invalid and therefore we would be out of the EU regardless of what the Government said we were.” 

But you won’t find much about his case in national media. If he wins his case it means that we have already left EU with effect from 29th March, and the pseudo EU elections in this country are unlawful (because we aren’t any longer members of the EU). Well, hush mah mowf. Whoda thunk it?

All this raises another question. If you nevertheless decide to vote, for whom should you vote? Bear in mind that a ‘party’ is a corporation or institution, not a person and not a ‘who’. Here’s another question. What do you know about your regional candidates? Do you even know their names? Under such circumstances WHY would you try to put your trust in ‘princes’? Why would you try to put your trust in a faceless corporation or institution? In Brussels and Strasbourg the individuals have no power to represent your interests and they are rewarded handsomely for being unable. Just ask Lord Peter Mandelson and Lord and Lady Kinnock, all Labour party multi-millionaires because once-upon-a-time they were EU commissioners. No wonder Mr Farage is making himself available for election in the name of his new party! No wonder Lord Adonis is having a crack at it, too.

If you stop to think about it there is a reason why you do the work that you do and don’t choose to do something else. It might be that there are few local opportunities to do something else; it might be that you really like doing what you do above all other opportunities; it might be that you are just too content (or idle) to try to change. But, rest assured that the man or woman who strives for power over people (ie a politician) is not an idle person, or one without energy to fight for what he/she wants. People who seek power are a peculiar people who have little clue about the history of mankind – or else they believe they know better than everyone else. These are the people who seek your votes. These are the people to whom you (and I) say ‘Rock on Tommy – you and your party will do for me’. In short, we hand over our power because we can’t be asked to use it ourselves, not even when it is likely to be in our own best interest. And then we wonder why we didn’t get the cream. 

We didn’t give our full attention to ALL the points in that manifesto – just to those we liked. Or, worse, we were beguiled by that seemingly attractive person with a microphone who keeps on spouting off in Talk Shows (the clue is in the name – they are supposed to be entertainment, doncha know?) on voyeur-vision.

I wish I had a £pound for every time I’ve heard one after another of them claim ‘they want what’s best for the country, and the party’. And, of course, they know what the best is even if you aren’t too sure. But we want what’s best for us, don’t we? Screw the rest. If that’s true then we’re all as bad as one another and we vote for and often get what we deserve . . . including the rubbish. So, be careful who you vote for/for whom you vote.  Let’s not put our trust in princes (or corporations), hey?

Some months ago I wrote an article (a muse) entitled ‘Who Gave Them Dominion over us?’ One man replied with the correct answer. “We did”, he said.  Having reminded myself of it, I’ve just now read through it again.

I closed with an observation from the much respected Judge Andrew Napolitano, the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in the history of the State of New Jersey. He wrote:

“Ultimately, we are responsible for the folks we have elected and the things they have done, whether secretive, hypocritical or in our faces. Ultimately, we have the government we deserve. Will we change this before it is too late?” (Judge Andrew Napolitano).

WE gave THEM dominion over us.
Big Mistake.
With awareness, comes responsibility

Cause no harm  
Be honest
Be peaceful
Be responsible

Whether or not you are a member of a political party, you didn’t choose the party leader. YOU didn’t chose Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn or any of the others. Someone else did. We have allowed them to hold sway over us. And we have the nerve to say that ‘they’ are responsible. Something ain’t right in the State of Denmark. (To paraphrase the Bard). And, in the words of a popular song: ‘Watcha goin’ to do about it?’

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"Suffrage does not define democracy..."

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