3rd June 2019 - “The Tilbrook case now before the Courts (which asserts we have already left the EU because May was not permitted
to use secondary legislation to delay past March 29th) is either correct in
which case we have already left or wrong in which case the Government need only
not renew the extension on 31st October and we leave.” (Rodney Atkinson, English
academic, political and economic commentator, journalist, author and
We haven’t heard very much about ‘the Tilbrook case’ in
any main stream media, have we? I wonder why not? Robin Tilbrook, the Chairman of the English
Democrats and a Solicitor, has started a legal case to block the UK
Government from extending the Article 50 Notice or revoking it without having
to get an Act of Parliament. Like many more of us, I await a decision from the
High Court of Justice with keen anticipation.
* * *
As I
write, 11 12 13 Conservative party MPs have announced
their intention to contest for the leadership of the Party, and thus become
Prime Minister, at least until the next General Election.
Plus James Cleverley and maybe a few more who are still
keeping their powder dry. Of course, if
you and I are not members of the Conservative and Unionist Party (membership
approximately +/- 160,000), we have no say in the matter. The
current population of the United Kingdom is 66,921,047 as of Monday,
May 27, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. Such
is the blessing of Democracy as interpreted by ‘the PARTY’. It seems to me that
that kind of supposed democracy is in
need of a good kicking, preferably by 66 million of us.
* * *
When I woke up this morning I had the words of the
entertainer, Billy Crystal, on my mind when he was compere at one of the major
film festivals a few years ago. He invited contenders: “Ladies and Gentlemen –
start your egos.” So often do comedians
hit the nail on the head.
And again, from the late Nora Ephron (American film
director and writer): “As far as the men who are
running for president are concerned, they aren't even people I would
date.” For ‘men’ read ‘men and
women’. For ‘president’ read ‘prime
Despite the rise and fall of Theresa
May, David Cameron, Tony Blair, John Major, Margaret Thatcher and any amount of
previous prime ministers, these ambitious know-alls still try to make us
believe that they know the answers to whatever problem the nation faces – and
we believe them, it seems. You couldn’t make it up. Except that is precisely
what we do.
Many years ago in the days of Col. Gaddafi, during a
business visit to Tripoli, Libya, some locals from within my Libyan working
environment invited me out for the day to see the sights and to talk. We drove towards
the Gulf of Sirte to show me a training resort which was reserved for members
of the national football team, and others of similar privilege.
They were pleased to be able to show off to me, a foreigner,
while at the same time eager to ask questions about my world which was so
clearly different to theirs. I
discovered that they wanted for themselves very much the same as most of us
want for ourselves. Each wanted a family home; a good education for their
children; a good salary; an opportunity to travel; a little money left at the
end of the month. That kind of thing. All of them spoke fractured English which
indicated to me that they, at least, had had a better-than-most education,
although Libya’s proximity to English-speaking Malta might have some bearing on
that. We shared ‘natural’ ambitions but we lived un-natural lives, differently.
Politics played no part in our conversations that day.
I refer to this tale only to illustrate how the ordinary man all over the world
wants ordinary common things for himself and his family. The psychopaths strive
for the power over us by offering ‘let me fix that for you.’
here is my thought for this week: I believe we live
un-natural lives but, deep down, we yearn for things ‘natural’. We seek natural
foods, natural environments, natural laws, natural relationships. Things
‘natural’ in our lives diminish when we start our egos and those around us
start their egos, too. Then we compete for position, for wealth, for status,
for advantage, and wonder why the world and his father seem to have utterly
screwed up. There is no peace in that kind of competition and those who do not
want peace are not our friends, no matter how they speak to us. As it says in the good book: "There is no need to add to
the troubles each day brings".
To me ‘natural’ includes such things as the nuclear
family – father, mother, children. Father is the hunter/gatherer/provider of
food, shelter, secure environment, etc. Mother is the home-maker, raiser of
children, the steady hand of love and trust in the family; Children are taught
and are expected to honour their father and their mother – another quote from
the book. It is NOT natural to live at odds with this concept, but that is only
my belief and my belief counts for nothing outside my own home and family. That
said, if the ‘state’ has its way, my belief won’t count for much even within my
home and family. Think about that, if you will.
Many, even most, people disagree with my description and
press on towards what I term ‘sophisticated’ outlooks and lifestyles – in the
sense of them being un-natural. Father is not the head of the household; mother
is not the home-maker because she has a career she wants to maintain, or
believes she must; the children do NOT honour their parents by obeying them – and
that is just for starters. Voyeur-vision and internet widen the divide between
natural and sophisticated . . . and we call it ‘progress’. Those folks also
have the right to express their attitude to life and it isn’t any of my
business if they do so. Nor is it any
business of government! But it might explain why we have so many problems.
Our ‘lawmakers’ (writers of statutes) move further and
further away from the fairness of natural law and by doing so ‘add to the
troubles each day brings’. You can’t mess around with these things and not
expect problems as a result, even when the supposed objective is to minimize
those problems. Lawyers and barristers create fortunes for themselves by
withholding natural law decisions for their clients and charging for their
intimate knowledge of all that is un-natural in law. Their clients allow it
because they have not been allowed to know anything different.
And what of the children? Sent to a state school
(usually) to be educated by state teachers according to whichever state
curriculum is in vogue. Or, as linguist Prof Noam Chomsky of MIT puts it:
“Educated by whom, for what?” . . . and
much of the world condemns the supposedly biased influence of non-state education.
I weep for the coming generations!
* * *
While I’m in the mood for a challenge, let me ask you
to think about how we can bring about the changes. I’d say we need to Become RESPONSIBLE; nothing much will
change in your favour if you leave it to politicians/government/bureaucrats.
You are a voting statistic or a target for a bribe of some kind. Little more
Last question(s). Do you think there is too much harmful plastic
on the planet? Well, easy-peasy solution. Don’t buy things wrapped in plastic.
It would be a start. You think you can’t
do it alone? Another easy-peasy solution: Seek out those of like mind and act
together whenever you can. You think you don’t know anyone of like mind? Then
take off your headset and speak to someone - anyone! Speak to the person in the
bus queue or the person behind you queuing to pay in the supermarket. Or the
school teacher who has custody of your child for most of the day. And smile
when you do so.
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