Whenever I can I prefer not to use labels to describe people because labels and names often can generate unhelpful images and prejudices in the minds of readers. Your experience of life is different to mine therefore your view of the world is likely to be different to mine in several respects. Harmony of thought is neither instant nor is it gained easily but accurate definition becomes easier if we can do away with ‘-ists’ and ‘-isms’.
Among other beliefs, some secular and some spiritual, I believe in individual FREEDOM: of expression and of religion; I believe in personal and family responsibility; I believe in the Rule of Law and Trial by Common Law Jury; I believe in limited government; and, mostly, I believe in a free market economy even though ‘free’ rarely means free. I know I’m not unusual because, from time to time, I find others who believe similarly.
I believe, too, that taxation is legal theft supported by menaces by the state and I believe that party politics work against the best interest and well-being of the people. THAT tends to make me a bit unusual.
Oh, and bankers are not our best friends despite what their adverts say.
I believe in the Rule of Law and Trial by Common Law Jury.
Think on this, if you will. It is the first requirement needed for a safe, sovereign, peaceful and prosperous United Kingdom. Common Law equates to natural law and by ‘natural’ law I’m not referring to gravity.
Natural law expresses itself as a common understanding of what is fair and what is not fair, based on the evidence presented to the jury. Children are instant experts at common and/or natural law. Adults certainly know about right and wrong. When it came to Trial by Jury our predecessors gave us the standard of 12 jurors to hear and judge the case arguments, and a convenor, now referred to as a judge. The Jury is called upon (required) to agree an unanimous verdict based on the evidence. In a Common Law court ‘no unanimity’ equals ‘not guilty’ or else the law itself is flawed and must be over ruled.
“The Full Restoration of our ancient and proven Common Law Trial by Jury and Annulment by Jury Constitution, wrote Justin Walker, puts us, the people, firmly back in authority over our agenda-driven and self-serving politicians, judges, lawyers and bankers by lawfully removing from them their powers to punish and deceive.”
Years before we ever had a ‘Parliament’ the King John of England reluctantly agreed a treaty with his Lords, Barons and his subjects. It became known as Magna Carta 1215 and it forms the bedrock of our Constitution. When the treaty was agreed the intention was that it should continue to be a treaty ‘in perpetuity’ - it said so within the document - meaning for ever after.
(Encyclopaedia Britannica defines a treaty as: “The term treaty is used generically to describe a variety of instruments, including conventions, agreements, arrangements, protocols, covenants, charters, and acts. In the strict sense of the term, however, many such instruments are not treaties. The key distinguishing feature of a treaty is that it is binding.”
(Treaties are expected to be executed in good faith, in keeping with the principle of pacta sunt servanda (Latin: “agreements must be kept”), arguably the oldest principle of international law. Without this principle, which is explicitly mentioned in many agreements, treaties would be neither binding nor enforceable.) Hence our problem with UK leaving EU, even though the treaty that binds us has get out clauses.
You’ve stayed with me thus far. Now there are two important questions in need of your consideration:
1. Can you think of any reasons why the Ten Commandments should not be displayed in a so-called court of law? According to George Carlin the real reason is because you cannot post ‘Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not commit adultery’ and ‘Thou shalt not lie in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.
2. Can you think of any reasons why Judges, lawyers, police officers, won’t admit to the superiority of Common Law courts over state-sponsored courts?
Answer 2. There is no money in it for them, and no authority, either.
Now can you see how truly precious Common Law Trial by Jury is to us? Can you understand how we have almost let this amazing gift slip through our fingers because we and our fathers listened to and believed those who would have dominion over us?
I often say there is nothing new under the sun and it holds true here. As Justin Walker wrote “The Full Restoration (nothing new) of our ancient and proven Common Law Trial by Jury and Annulment by Jury Constitution, puts us, the people, firmly back in authority.”
And that, m’lud, is when the fighting began. If it is legal for the government to judge us according to statute law but illegal for we, the people, to judge ourselves according to Common Law Trial by Jury – we are moving towards tyranny with our eyes wide shut.
* * * * *
For a more complete presentation on our democratic right to Common Law Trial by Jury and our Constitution emanating from Magna Carta 1215,
I invite you to view
by Kenn d’Oudney.
* * * *
Next time, look for the second Requirement necessary for a safe, sovereign, peaceful United Kingdom and “The Creation of Prosperity for all by bringing back debt-free and interest-free Treasury money.”
Written and published by Michael
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