And the power of your withheld
According to an article in the business section of The Telegraph
on Sunday, 23 April 2017, overall, combining the previous costs of running
elections and the likely spend in this year's campaigns, the 2017 General
Election is estimated to cost around £170m.
I put it to you that this estimate isn’t even close to the real cost and it is, anyway, a mere
monetary cost. The TRUE cost is higher, much higher. I believe we are being
called in all manner of slippery ways to what I can only describe as mass
delusion or even insanity.
Attributed variously to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin,
Rita Mae Brown, Beth Moore, Mark Silber, Henry Ford, the grammatically
incorrect Tony Robbins, and others, the essential statement is:
It’s OK. I didn’t expect (m)any.
Everyone who hasn’t been in a coma for the last few weeks
knows that a General Election has been called in UK while the Fixed-Term
Parliaments Act 2011 is still in force. The Act provides for a General election
to be held every five years on the first Thursday in May. But, as is so often
the case, there is a get-out clause. An early election may be called “If a motion for an early general election is
agreed either by at least two-thirds of the House or without division. Political
party members in the House of Commons agreed by 522 to 13 to allow an early
General Election. Politicians ALWAYS have the next election on their minds. YOU
weren’t asked. Only those with vested interest were asked, which is ‘normal’.
OK, that’s the background. Unspoken and unwritten is the
implicit idea that, for whatever reason, 522 party representatives (give or
take a few who will anyway choose to stand down) believed they have a
reasonable chance of re-election. Or they expected some form of political
isolation or retribution if they failed to agree to the call. Perhaps
ex-communication from the party? Perish the thought.
Nevertheless, they decided amongst themselves that the public
could be deluded once more into believing that their votes will bring about
change. They have perpetrated a staged illusion. As I said earlier. . .
Here’s a good
suggestion: Print
those two signs and stick them on your refrigerator door. Read them daily and
think about their message. Then admit in your heart of hearts:
˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜
So what can we do?
Make it your purpose to be part of
the movement that seeks electoral change! Change from the ‘no longer fit for purpose’ voting
system that party leaders love so much.
Never use a postal ballot. The opportunity and temptation to
manipulate postal ballots is huge – and proven. Why make it easy?
Ignore political party leaders. You can’t vote for them unless you
live in the constituency in which they stand for election. You know that you may only vote for a candidate in your own
constituency, don’t you?
4. Recognise that something in each party manifesto will more or less
reflect some of your views. But recognise, too, that the party exists only to continue
the existence of the party – and nothing more than that. So ignore the party
and its siren calls.
5. Seek out the Independent candidates in your own constituency. If they reflect your own view of
the world, get behind them and encourage
your neighbours to do the same.
6. Lastly, if you cannot be comfortable getting behind your local
Independent candidate, spoil your ballot paper, and ask your neighbours to do the
same. Spoil them in the same way so it is clear that there is a movement for
change. WHY? Because even spoiled ballot papers are counted and the numbers are
published. Not voting isn’t a genuine option. A non-voter’s hopes and
aspirations are not counted and don’t count – literally.
7. Be assured that those candidates who represent a political party will
review the spoiled papers. If hundreds of papers have been marked “None of the above” the discontent
will be noticed provided sufficient people join the action, not just on
8th June but every time we are called to vote.
8. Above all
Cause no harm
Be honest
Be peaceful
Recognise that we are sovereign
beings and NO ONE has the right to rule over you without your consent. NO ONE.
(See also
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