Friday, 19 June 2020

Give a man a fish . . . .

Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. 
Teach a Man to Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime

Mid-June 2020 – You have all heard that headlined proverb before. Mostly, we think we understand it. And, mostly, we fail to implement it or understand the consequences of not doing so.

The proof in that particular pudding is seen all around us daily. The prime minister and/or his scientific advisers call for a lockdown, first in general and later in particular, especially identifying the elderly and infirm. Employees in most businesses are given ‘furlough’ - a noun which means ‘forced absence from work without pay’. The prime minister and his sycophants (sycophants today – back stabbers tomorrow) tell folks they shouldn’t worry because the government will pay those unfortunates up to £2,500 per month to alleviate the ensuing difficulties they will face. This, I suggest, is the equivalent of ‘giving a man a fish, and thus feeding him for a day’. Next day/week/month he will want to be fed again.

Generally speaking, this is how animal trainers train animals. First, make it clear to the animal what it is you want it to do; then reward the animal in some way when it complies. Reward usually means giving the animal some tidbit or tasty delicacy. 

Human Resources (HR) people do it all the time. So do commercial organisations with their offers to customers of ‘if you buy this, we will give you that’. So do governments. So, how does it feel to be made aware now that you are being trained continuously, just like an animal?

The complete proverb provides a possible solution. “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Or, put in a slightly different way: Forget about trying to rebuild the broken system ALL OVER THE WORLD. There is no point in looking backwards because ‘If we continue to do as we’ve always done, we’re likely to get what we’ve always got’. Warts and all. Clearly, that isn’t good enough.

Instead, why not offer to retrain/reskill those who are enduring furlough but are willing to learn new skills, tasks, and trades, including entrepreneurship and how to build a business? That would provide many people with hope for the future rather than just giving them a little fishy on a little dishy when the boat comes in.  It doesn’t seem to have registered with ‘the authorities’, however.

Sadly, the problem and the possible solution I’ve just offered for thoughtful consideration aren’t the whole story.

The truth is that our pensions, social benefits and NHS system is just one, great, big PONZI scheme. What is a PONZI scheme, I hear you ask?

It is a fraudulent ‘investment’ plan in which the investments of later investors are used to pay earlier investors, giving the appearance that the investments of the initial participants dramatically increase in value in a short amount of time. (The Legal Free Dictionary).

So, we pay our National Insurance as we go (P.A.Y.E.) but that money isn’t invested. Instead, it pays out today to provide services to those who paid/contributed in a similar fashion over previous years. It looks as though their investment is coming good when they need it, but it isn’t because today’s NI benefits are paid out from the money paid in as NI contributions last week/month.

As businesses and jobs disappear, so does the PAYE contribution until, eventually the system collapses through lack of funds. The NHS will collapse; state pension payments will cease; and everything we look to the government to supply, will cease. There is no salvation coming from ‘the government’. It has no money.

In the meantime, banks remove themselves from the High Street and show themselves to be the international casinos they truly are. Soon, they will remove their ATMs from the High Street. There will be no cash and shop owners won’t want to accept cash because there are no local banks in which to deposit it at the end of the day. That is happening TODAY in my local High Street. There will be credits on a microchip on a square of plastic only, provided that you can represent some kind of value (or compliance) to the world. Those who are unable to provide for themselves will become pariahs. 

Yet, despite all this, no one is taking steps to prepare people for their miserable future. Why would they? It wouldn’t go well in the political opinion polls. But don’t worry. We still have the Postcode Lottery to look forward to.

I conclude that the intention in some unseen quarters is, over time, to allow or encourage large portions of society to go under; to fall sick and not be treated because the NHS and pensions are unaffordable; to die of starvation because they have no means of paying for food. (Because they haven’t complied with other ‘regulations’.) And at that stage people will understand that our money system is the biggest fraud of all. There is no money – just interest-bearing credit repayable to international Central banks.  

Gordon Brown and HM Treasury sold at a discount 395 tonnes (approximately 58%) of the gold which previously had backed our money, over the period between 1999 and 2002, when gold prices were at their lowest in 20 years. Today he is the United Nations Special Global Envoy for Education, with all the ramifications of the New World Order which are embedded in that job title for us all to see.

It crossed my mind a few moments ago that it just might be that those in positions of supposed authority over us (those we thought we had voted for), understand already that there is little future for us to worry about, if we continue to do as we’ve always done. THAT is something to concern ourselves about. But we never learn. Not now Primark is open again.

Somebody reminded me recently that after Archduke Franz Ferdinand Carl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria (18 December 1863 - 28 June 1914) was murdered and World War 1 broke out, some 8,500,000 soldiers died because of wounds and/or disease. The greatest number of casualties and wounds were inflicted by artillery, followed by small arms, and then by poison gas, according to One against 8.5 million? Words fail me.

According to the National World War II museum, WORLDWIDE CASUALTIES*

Battle Deaths 15,000,000
Battle Wounded 25,000,000
Civilian Deaths 45,000,000
*Worldwide casualty estimates vary widely in several sources. The number of civilian deaths in China alone might well be more than 50,000,000.

All of which causes me to reflect on how we elect our leaders; what power we are prepared to entrust to them, and how we ensure that the people are the authority in this land, not the here-today-gone- tomorrow politicians, and certainly NOT the political parties.

Don’t think of this as a silly idea concocted by an old man. This idea, born with Magna Carta 1215 has been the bedrock of our Constitution, and the Constitutions of much of the Commonwealth, since then. But generations of politicians, judiciary and bankers have worked without ceasing to steal the truth from us. Nevertheless, when you know the truth, it shall set you free.

* * * *

For further information, I recommend you to research via or the printed version published as: 
           ISBN 978-1-902848-26-
                  By Kenn d’Oudney

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