Wednesday, 7 February 2018


by the Volunteer.

Motivated by a vision of world peace and justice;
inspired by a selfless German WW2 witness called Martin Niemöller (1892 – 1984);
and the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley,
AND in memory of the Peterloo massacre in Manchester of August 1819.

Truth need not be offensive. Nevertheless, we offer no apologies to readers who are too easily offended. Why? Because awareness of the truth is more important today than are polite sensibilities.

First they tried to come for the Truthers, the aware, the awake, the switched on, the informed, the whistleblowers, Melanie, the knowledgeable, the wise, the compassionate, the brave, the constitutionalists who announced the invocation of our Great Security Clause, Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta.

Then they tried to scapegoat the Muslims, the Jews, the Christians, the Sikhs & Hindu’s, the whistleblowers, Brexiteers, migrants, disabled, elderly, vulnerable, children, the poor and poorly, the unemployed, the homeless . . . . .

Even the Mind Kontrolled, brainwashed, sheepeople; the egotists, the telly addicts & pleasure seekers, the useful idiots, the technocrats, the green corporate conservatives, socialists & liberal politically correct system servers, the traitors, the deluded, the selfish, the bourgeois, the wealthy, fearful, corrupt Fabien sheep-in-wolf’s clothing with secret agendas and the deceptive, philanthropic, charitable masks of sustainable common purpose … were not spared by the monster they served & feared. Of course there would be no one left prepared to defend or fight for them.

Rise like lions after slumber.
Rise as sovereigns in unvanquishable number.
Shake your chains to the earth like dew
which in sleep had fallen upon you,

The true light of kindness, truth & compassion will always overcome the demonic darkness. Kindness, love, responsibility and the rule of our natural common law must always prevail.

First They Came for the Jews
By Pastor Niemoller

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. 

Now read this:

First they handed our country's finances to private banks who charge interest on money they produce out of thin air. We didn't speak up because we didn't KNOW or understand what they were doing.

Then they taxed us beyond endurance. We didn't speak up because we were too busy working to pay the taxes.

Then they put up cameras to watch our every move and we didn't speak up because we weren't doing anything wrong.

Then they attacked our free speech and our freedom to think. We didn't speak up because we didn't want to be arrested for voicing our thoughts and concerns.

Then they opened our borders.  We didn't speak up because we didn't want to be called racists.


WILL YOU BEGIN TO SPEAK UP? SEVENTEEN AND HALF MILLION PEOPLE VOTED TO LEAVE THE E.U.  So why are we still paying their extortionate demands?  Why are we handing them our national defence and bowing down to all their other their demands?
Ninety percent of British people are being ruled by ten percent of elitists  but we are many. They are few.


JOIN US! Join a movement to restore our freedoms: OR any group in your area or on the internet that is fighting for justice, the truth and our freedom.

Do it Now, before there aren't any free people left to speak out.



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