Monday, 7 August 2017

The State is the problem

Or is it?

It is astonishing to me to discover how many folks ‘feel’ that there is something in the air that isn’t quite right and they’re unable to put their finger on it; that previously supposed certainties in life are no longer certainties. Maybe it is me. Maybe, as I gain in years, I can see more clearly now the rains have gone, so to speak.

Or, maybe, we’ve all become a bit sated or jaded; we aren’t any longer excited or persuaded about the way we live; we’ve had an excess of good things and our appetites have changed, perhaps, and we can see that what seemed to be the ‘norm’ cannot go on indefinitely.

I’ve got to a point where most of the time I no longer want voyeur-vision in my living room. I mute the sound whenever adverts come on and often I mute it for the weather forecast, too. The news is persistently depressing yet is attracts me like a moth to a light and I have the sad feeling that, too often, I’m not being told the truth or anywhere near the whole truth. There is always an opinion, a slant, added to so many basic news stories. And how they can switch from reporting a disaster or a tragedy somewhere in the world to announcing the cricket or football results almost without taking breath, beats me.

I truly don’t want to become one of those people who voice ego-centric opinions about everything and his Dad; those who tell us ‘you know what that’s all about, don’t you?’ and then proceed to inform us, regardless of our initial answer. Barrack room lawyers, I think they’re called. But I do reflect on these things and, sometimes, I draw conclusions – and, occasionally, I ask you to consider them with me.

Thus far I’ve concluded that we’re not living in the way that God or nature intended, and the reason for the unease that I meet continually, is that more and more of us are coming to the same conclusion. And if not God or nature’s intention . . . whose intention? Let’s call it THE STATE.

Speaking to a friend the other day I mentioned that the love of money is the root of all evil. My friend considered this for a while before beginning to reply with: ‘If money is the root of all evil . . . .’

And there I stopped her. Not money. The LOVE of money.
(1 Timothy, chapter 6, verse 10 – the Bible). There is a difference.

So, when our politicians, economists and bankers, our newspapers and TV/radio news
stations harp on about money (not enough to go around) and the economy (becoming worse and it’s always because someone else is at fault) and they cite percentages of everything (falls into the same category as statistics, and we know that lies and damned lies precede statistics, don’t we?) None of this is to do with Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness – and please don’t tell me that these aspirations are for Americans only! They aren’t.

So, what am I to make of all this? I look at it this way: if I walk down my road and see a discarded drink container or potato crisp packet or empty cigarette packet, I have a number of choices. I can ignore it and walk on without further thought; or I can walk on in the belief that someone, paid or unpaid, will pick it up sooner or later – after all, I didn’t drop it; Or I can pick it up and carry it to the nearest rubbish bin, or take it home. Apart from the last solution, the other suggestions beg other answers. If not me, WHO? If not now, WHEN? Why not me, now?

I did say it was MY road, didn’t I? Yet the same questions and answers apply if I’m walking in YOUR road. There is no need for me to be selfish about these things. I’ve no doubt that you seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness just as much as I do.


Now that I’ve worked out that many supposed ‘truths’ in life aren’t true at all, what can I, you, we do about it? The answer is so obvious. We need to change it, whenever we’ve determine what ‘it’ is; I need to change me; you need to change you. And we must take action to restore truth. Just musing won’t fix anything. 

Don’t overlook the fact that those who are powerless to change their surroundings and circumstances are, by anyone’s definition, either prisoners or slaves or quislings. Only free men can make their own beneficial changes. I call them Sovereign Beings, which is what I believe they are. They/we have the power to make changes and permission isn’t required. Determination, desire, action and understanding are required, but not permission. For those who feel that it is a step too far to be described as a Sovereign Being – I can’t think why they would do so but, clearly, some folks do think that way – there is some good news that media, politicians, the education system, and Uncle Tom Cobley and all, withhold from you.

The good news is that King John of England, tyrant thought he was, gave us some astonishing rights and permissions all those years ago (in 1215 to be exact) in a treaty he made with his subjects at that time to avoid civil war and to remain as king. The treaty, we call Magna Carta, pre-dates parliament and it states that it is intended to continue ‘in perpetuity’. 

King John applied his royal seal and later his signature to the treaty. Our job is to keep a tight hold on it. Parliament can’t cancel it because it has nothing to do with Parliament. It is a treaty between the sovereign and his people. It gives his people the right to let him and his heirs know when essentials to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are being withheld, especially when they’re withheld by people with no right or authority to do so. It gives us the right to say ‘thus far, and no further’ and take action to restore the intended checks and balances.

I ask you: WHO would want to prevent that? Someone who has a great love of money (already noted as the root of all evil) and a greater love of power, that’s who. Someone who believes that repressive legislation – preferably legislation that will cost you money if you transgress - is the way to control people. Someone who cares little about trying to change the heart and mind of people; someone who believes that legislation, rules, and regulations are the cures for all our ills. I’m telling you, that person isn’t your friend and he or she cannot be your benefactor.

In your heart of hearts you KNOW IT.

* * * * *

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