Monday, 5 June 2017


This is me at work. Usually I wear clothes. Sometimes when I'm working I find my thoughts carry me away to astonishing imaginary situations. Then I ask myself: "What if that could be true?"  Do you ask yourself that - ever?

Of course you do. Imagination is what attracts you to read a novel or poetry, or watch a film or play, or concentrate on a computer game. Sometimes imagination will attract you to something above and beyond light entertainment, as we call it, to a documentary film or a biography or autobiography, for example. Imagination will take you to 'how-to-do-it or DIY books'. Such are the places where ideas reside! And your imagination and mine, applied in our quiet moments of reflection will produce ideas.

Ideas bring about changes, both good changes and not so good changes. The opposite is also true.

Not thinking about things and not having ideas changes nothing. On that basis, I'm able to assert that acceptance and compliance are the death knell of change and innovation. Acceptance and compliance keep us in our place, so to speak. Sometimes these words are interchangeable with 'training' or 'indoctrination', but you've got the picture.

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
(William Henry Davies - 1871-1940)

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There seems to be so much going on around us that we believe we are unable to influence for one reason (excuse) than another. Take the surfeit of plastic bottles, for example. Believe it or not, I can remember a time when there were no plastic bottles. Really! Yes, really. Lemonade and other drinks were sold in glass bottles, often with a returnable deposit paid to ensure they could be re-used or recycled after use. Boys like me sometimes collected discarded bottles and returned them to a shop or pub in exchange for the deposit. Litter removed, environment not spoiled; new materials not required; pocket money augmented. Not difficult to do, either. Everyone happy.

WHAT IF all of us stopped the destructive practice of buying drinks in plastic bottles? What if we all carried water from home in a flask rather than buy it in a plastic bottle?


The change could begin with such a simple idea followed immediately by massive action.

Think about it if you must

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MORE upon reflection.

Admit it. You thought this blog would be about terrorism or the general election, didn't you?

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  1. So there are some things about the 'good old days' which may be worth revisiting! I think the invention of the television has much to do with what has gone wrong over the last few decades. It has promoted and encouraged the destruction of the community. Thankfully the internet was invented and once more people can interact, communicate share ideas and knowledge with one another. Those in society which have sort to control the masses through the television are had not anticipated this interaction and are now panicking they realise they are losing their grip as the populous awakens. Now it is time to educate Brits about their written constitution the Magna Carta and their right to a trial by a Jury of their peers.

  2. Not only the bottles but the plastic bags too... These conveniences are the biggest polluters in our world and I would love to see them eliminated from the day to day life but then it's all about the money...
    It has become cheaper to produce a plastic bottle than to reuse a glass one.
    This song by Meja sums it all...
    Sometimes I find another world
 Inside my mind
 When I realize 
The crazy things we do 
It makes me feel ashamed to be alive 
It makes me want to run away and hide 
It's all 'bout the money 
It's all 'bout the dumb dum,
And I don't think It's funny
 To see us fade away 
It's all 'bout the money 
It's all 'bout the dumb dum,
 And I think we got it all wrong anyway We find strange ways of showing
 Them how much we really care
When in fact
We just don't seem to care at all
 This pretty world 
Is getting out of hand
 So tell me how we fail to understand?
    Here's the link:
    ...and a couple more from Canada:
