Thursday, 28 February 2019

A job, a job. My Kingdom for a job

I’ll sell or give away anything for a job.

Don’t smile. It isn’t funny.

From time to time when chatting among friends after someone we know has died, I reflect with a brief comment about the imminent funeral and say: “You know, I’ve never heard anyone stand at a grave side and say ‘he really did want to work his listed overtime next Saturday’.” And people then smile, wryly. They get the point.

We work for money to buy . . . food . . . clothes . . . a roof over our heads . . . a holiday in the sun . . . or anything you care to think of. But, sometimes, we lose sight of the cost of those things, and I’m not talking about pounds and pence. What I’m talking about is the simple phrase ‘we work for money . . . to buy.’  As in, “You know I work all day to get you money to buy you things”. (The Beatles)

The assumption implicit in that song is the idea that the ONLY way to satisfy any of our necessary and natural needs is first to work for money . . . and then all these things can be added. 

It seems to me that’s the emphasis being laid upon Brexit by those who would rule over us. You could lose your job, your business, your income, your-everything-you’ve-ever-worked-for. It’s all about the money, honey. We call it scaremongering – and other things - don’t we?

With those thoughts buzzing in my head I began to divide the world (families, neighbours, towns, counties, countries, continents) as I see them in my mind. The list is never-ending.

On one hand On the other hand
Men Women
Adults Adolescents and youths
Educated         Not-so-well-educated
Single Married
Conservatives         All the other political views
Socialist All other political views
Christian All the other religious beliefs
Muslim All other religious beliefs
Religious beliefs         No religious beliefs
Caucasian         Non-Caucasian
Native born Immigrant
Good English Not so good English speaker
Home owner Home renter
Grateful Ungrateful
Worker Unemployed
Employer         Employee
Arrogant Humble
Foreceful         Timid
Self Confident         Not self confident
Good speaker         Not a good speaker
Attractive         Not so attractive appearance
Friendly Not friendly
Optimist Pessimist
Selfish Selfless

The list is endless but I’ll stop there. Jumble them in any way you like so that it isn’t a simple case of seemingly opposites but a mixture from real life of real people.

Now tell me how you believe we can have a meeting of the minds easily! We can’t. There are too many mis-matches.

If that is the case, why on earth would you elect any one of these mismatches to be your representative . . . on your local council . . . in your associations . . . in your national assembly (meaning Parliament within UK). Especially when it isn’t YOU they will represent, and you know it. They are chosen by the PARTY managers who see them as worthy party representatives, and you know it. 

WHY would you vote for them/the party and deceive yourself into believing that they are YOUR representatives when only the inside crowd have had any say in choosing them? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

And the answer is? We do it because that’s the way we’ve always done it and because we’ve never acknowledged that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to obtain a different result . . . is the essence of madness.
Oh, yes. That’s another ‘on the one hand and on the other hand’ match. Those who are mad, and those (in their own eyes) who are not mad. Both cannot be right.

So, going back to my opening headline – is all this Brexit hullaballoo about jobs (or potentially the lack of them)? Or is it about personal vested interests? Even when they are mis-matched and almost innumerable?

Could it be about national integrity? Clearly, it isn’t about maintaining our own Constitution, Magna Carta 1215, Common Law and Trial by Jury, Habeas Corpus, Rule of Law, Natural Law. I put it to you that these things aren’t spoken about openly because there are too many vested interests and such people (illusionists is the best I could call them) are, clearly, willing to give away our Kingdom for a horse or twenty pieces of silver equivalent.

We have another name for those people.

If my writing has struck a chord with you, please go to:  for further information.

The 2019 People’s Charter

The Six Requirements Needed to Collapse the Criminal ‘Deep State’
1. Restoring our ancient and proven Common Law Trial by Jury Constitution that puts the people back in authority over our politicians, lawyers and bankers by removing from them their power to punish. 

2. Creating prosperity for all by bringing back debt-free and interestfree Treasury money that’s simply based on the wealth and labour of our nation – exactly as we did in 1914 with the enormously successful 'Bradbury Pound'. 

3. Ending the abuse and harm of all children whilst protecting the Common Law rights of parents so as to strengthen the family unit. 

4. Having the right numbers of Police and Armed Services needed to guarantee the sovereignty and protection of our country from all those who wish us harm. 

5. Exposing and removing a hidden and alien system of 'legalese' governance that uses outright fraud, deception and entrapment to unlawfully impoverish and constrain the ordinary people of our country. 

6. Ensuring that science is always used for the well-being and advancement of all and not for the profit and greed of the few.

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Saturday, 2 February 2019

Time to Tell It Like It Is - UPDATED

 “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.

Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. … In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” - Edward Bernays – Propaganda

Stand up that person who said ‘Rubbish – I know what I know and I make up my own mind’. To you I say: ‘You are totally correct, Sir/Ma’am. But it is important that all of us recognise that we don’t know what we don’t know! That, surely, is self evident.

For example, when you place your baby in front of a voyeur-vision machine, you don’t know who created the programmes and images that are beamed into your child’s eyes and mind. Possibly, you don’t even think about it.

Similarly, when you kiss goodbye to your child on its first day at school, you trust everyone connected with education, from the Secretary of State for Education (of any political party) right down to classroom assistants, but you don’t know what they will do to your child’s understanding of the world. You don’t even know them. But, possibly, you don’t even think about it.

When your child is old enough to be given an i-phone or a computer and takes it to bed at night, you don’t know who is filling their mind with what. But, possibly, you don’t even think about it.

And when there is a hue and cry about the damage being done to the minds of our children because of what they see and hear on so-called ‘social media’? What then? Judging by the news media this week the immediate call is for regulation. I could weep.

Let me create a picture in your mind. You and I are standing together and I’ve just asked you to hold out your hand. You do as I ask. Great. Then I produce a cigarette lighter and ignite it right below your hand. No guessing what happens next – you pull away your hand.

Oops, sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Tell you what, let’s do it differently – let me use your other hand. ‘No way’, I hear you say. Why? Because you’ve learned not to play with fire. You didn’t have to think about it and no one needed to legislate for it.

So, tell me, what is so very different between fire burning your hand and the contents of social media burning your child’s mind? I suggest, not a lot. Maybe the solution is for the child not to go there rather than for its parents to demand restrictive legislation and allow them to continue to go there.

You still don’t know what you don’t know. You tell me again that you’ve never thought about it like that. Be encouraged. THINK ABOUT IT. Don’t wait for your child to be burned. It’s called ‘being responsible’.

What was that you said? ‘My kids wouldn’t put up with that’. So be it. That just means you’ve lost already and the propaganda people in social media, in mainstream media, in education, in government, win the cigar. We lose.
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“People who judge authoritatively what their liberties are, retain all the liberties they wish to enjoy. This is Liberty.” – Kenn d’Oudrey – Democracy Defined, The Manifesto.

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Media this morning suggested that the Prime Minister ‘could call a June General Election’ and, according to the headlines, ‘vows to battle for Britain’. Hmmm.

A General Election means that backroom boys in political parties write manifestos for public consumption designed to attract positive attention – for example, votes in favour of said party. The manifesto consists of promises and aspirations of all the things the party hasn’t yet done but, because they want your vote, they think might appeal to you and win your vote. If you vote for them you are entitled only to take all or nothing at all. Take it or leave it.

How different might this country be if we, the people, could vote on a manifesto on a line by line basis? How different might this country be if we voted for our own chosen and known-to-us local constituency candidate instead of someone chosen by a small group of local party members, endorsed by a national head office? How different might this country be if, after 12 months in Parliament, an MP could be recalled for performance assessment (just like any other employee) and either returned to Parliament to continue representing his constituents or else replaced?

You think that’s revolutionary? Not really. Not so very long ago it was considered a revolutionary idea to pay MPs! Today we pay them £74,000 a year from day one for up to five years, plus expenses/allowances, plus perks. No experience required but compliance with party rules preferred. AND WE VOTE FOR THEM!  And they refer to each other as ‘Honourable’.

Worse, if they have reliable experience (according to government requirements) they could qualify to become a government minister, for extra pay, of course. Wow! As some Americans might say: You must be out of your cotton pickin’ tree!

On top of that, if the elected person declines to take an oath of allegiance to the Crown, as happens with representatives of Sinn Fein, the government makes a contribution to party funds.

I have little more to say other than it would be unfair to tar every MP with the same brush. Undoubted, some truly want to represent their constituents and will remain back benchers as long as they can. But it seems to me that they don’t validate the partisan system which is forced upon us. WE validate the party system by voting for it.

I believe there are two possible solutions.

1. Passive. Don’t vote at all and for five years put up with whatever result is called. 

2. Active. Find and support a person (or BE that person) who is willing to stand as an Independent representative for your constituency, and vote for him/her.

It isn’t rocket science.

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PS: I'm too old to be active any more.