AUGUST 2018.
“There is an
historic opportunity not to be missed following Brexit. To achieve it, ‘We the
People’ have to acquire our own elected
Independent Representatives. Why? Because, the established leaders of both the
Brexit and Remain campaigns and all the political parties refuse to debate the
main economic issue of our time. And what is this “main economic issue”? It is
that the usurious, fraudulent debt-based currency system which impoverishes and
enfetters all of us is intended to hold sway in Britain whether or not we
extricate ourselves from the EU and whoever wins the next general election … We
must not allow Theresa, Boris, Nigel and MPs to continue to dodge the issue.”
d’Oudney - Extract from DEMOCRACY DEFINED: The Manifesto
_ _ _ _
Did you
understand that? I implore you: P-l-e-a-s-e, read it again. Slowly. Then think
about it for a while.
1. The author urges us to elect our own
Independent Representatives to Parliament. Why?
2. Because history/experience shows that
there is little to choose between any of the established political parties and party
leaders who refuse – all of them – to take a serious look at the main economic
issue. By that I mean the fraudulent, interest-bearing, debt-based monetary
system that holds all of us in its grip and throttles our hearts, minds, and
souls so that others/they may profit.
A wise man once wrote to his young friend that ‘the love of
money is a root of all kinds of evil.’ What if that’s true? I have to say that, for too many of us, it
seems to be true. Clearly, there is no limit to what some people will do to
obtain money and personal, family, corporate and national advantage. You know
it is true. All of us know it to be true.
But why is it true?
A different, earlier writer put it this way: “The heart is deceitful above all things and
it is exceedingly corrupt: who can know it?”
I don’t think he is referring to ‘the heart’ – the organ
that’s beating in your chest and mine. But it might be the reason why someone,
somewhere linked heart and mind to mean one and the same thing. Whichever, it
seems to me to be a bit scary to learn that I can’t really trust anyone to always
do the right thing even if that someone is one of the ‘nice’ people of this
world. The basic human design seems to be faulty.
So, back to the money, and Parliament and who should
represent me/you there. Did you know that as far back as 1836 there were
stirrings among the people of this land which led to the formation of the
original Chartist Movement?
(The Prime Minister at the time was William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne. In those days his
political party was known as Whigs, defined as the English political party or
group that opposed the succession to the throne of James, Duke of York in 1679
on the grounds that he was a Catholic.
Standing for a limited monarchy, the Whigs represented the great aristocracy and the money middle class
for the next 80 years. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries the Whigs
represented the desires of industrialists and Dissenters for political and
social reform and provided the core of the Liberal Party. Then the Chartist
Movement came on the scene seeking changes. They wanted to make government more
transparent and accountable to the people. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
They sought six essential changes:
A vote for all men over 21
The secret ballot
No property qualification to become an MP
Payment for MPs
Electoral districts of equal numerical size
Annual elections for Parliament
How times have changed.
(1) Today women’s suffrage prevails and some so-called
‘progressives’ would lower the voting age from 18 to 16. I wonder why?
(2) The Chartists sought secret ballots. I’m sure they couldn’t
begin to imagine postal ballots! Or
voting via proxy.
(3) In 2016 the Guardian newspaper reported that the number of MPs supplementing their incomes
by acting as landlords had risen by a quarter since the last parliament, with
David Cameron and George Osborne among those earning extra money by renting out
properties. According to Guardian research, almost a third of MPs are now
letting out their houses or flats, with 196 declaring rental income on the
official register of interests this year. The majority of those are earning
more than £10,000 a year from the property.
(4) Payment for MPs. Ah, yes.
A good and needed development, or not, depending on your point of view. An MP’s
basic annual salary is £76,000 p.a.. PLUS upwards of £41,000 if the MP becomes
a common or garden Minister of State; PLUS expenses. I know of at least one MP
who is also a Minister of State, who is married to another MP who is also a
Minister of State. That’s 2 x £76,000, plus 2 x £41,000, plus 2 x expenses per
annum. Plus probable house rental income. Indeedy – times have changed. Smell
the gravy.
(5) Equal size electoral
districts. As population and demographics change, they’re still working on this
one. It keeps the bean counters employed.
(6) Annual elections for Parliament. Today we have fixed term
parliaments of five years.
Although I have the right to
vote I am not yet compelled to vote. But if I fail to register to vote once the
Registration Officer has ‘invited’ me to register I could be fined up to
£1,000. It’s known as ‘an offer you cannot refuse’. Do you get the feeling that
NONE of this is about your benefit or mine? Parliament is a Closed User Group organised
and controlled by political parties. You and I don’t belong there unless we
insist upon it.
Which brings me to the thought
that I’d like YOU to think about before we meet again. Namely,
They (the politicians, the legislators, the bankers,
the Civil and not-so-civil Servants) can do no more than that which
we let them do.
the People are sovereign.
Parliament, Parliamentarians, and Civil
our hired help but too many of them
become far too uppity
is a Common Law country
and we
MUST guard that blessing jealously.
* * *
(Tell them about the money, Mummy)