Centre of the Universe, 23 September
2017 – In the words of another song ’I woke up this morning and . . .’ wondered
where Treason May has stashed
In plain English: That represents 20 Billion Pounds! Or, for that matter Euros
Not wanting to labour the point too much, that represents
£20 billion = 20,000 x £50 million (I think)
Or 2.00E+10
(2.00 x 1010)
if we want to clever about it.
The news
this morning that she is willing to part with that amount of cash to smooth the
way for UK to remain tied to EU is nothing short of incredible!
Bless me.
When settlers arrived in America, Australia and New Zealand they bought peace
with locals by handing out a handful of beads and blankets . . . . and that was
when their intention was to move in, not (as she would have us believe) to move
out. Makes you wonder, don’t it?
Putting it
in terms that even simple minds like mine can understand – if you could live
for 20 billion minutes, you would be 38,052
years old before you keeled over.
If you could
save £100,000/year, it would take you 200,000 years to save 20 billion Pounds.
If you could save £10,000 every single day, then it would only take you 5,479
years to save 20 billion.
But, the
question is: where is it stashed? Somebody worked out that if we used £50 notes
and stacked them, the stack would be somewhere in the region of 250,000 feet
high. Could G4S handle that, do you suppose?
Forgive my
nonsense but it just goes to show that we are living in an illusion. WAKE UP and smell the coffee.
* * * *
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite
exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually slaves of some defunct
economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air,
are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. I
am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared to
the gradual encroachment of ideas. Not, indeed, immediately, but after a
certain interval; for in the field of economic and political philosophy there
are not many who are influenced by new theories after they are 25 or 30 years
of age, so that the ideas
which civil servants and politicians and even agitators apply to current events
are not likely to be the newest.
But, soon or late, it is ideas, not vested
interests, which are dangerous for good or evil.
- John Maynard Keynes
* * * *
Sep 22, 2017
paper will talk about a defence relationship ‘closer than any third country’.
BUT IN PLAIN WORDS THAT amounts to the UK staying in the recently agreed EU
Defence Union agreements just as Norway has agreed to do. Also, just like
Norway, it means the UK submitting to EU common defence policy, EU defence
directives and European Defence Agency membership, which are all conditions the
EU has placed on the UK for this kind of arrangement. This is all dangerous and
puts the UK on a trajectory to EU defence union.“It puts control of our future direction, strategy and even foreign policy squarely into the hands of the EU. This is in any case unnecessary because our defence relationship with EU member states should instead be conducted via NATO. The EU has declared defence autonomy from NATO.
“UK ministers consented to defence union agreements after the Brexit vote and we were told that it was because the UK would have no part in them. Yet the government is now allowing these gradual and erosive commitments to the EU to stand. It means a hollowing out of UK Parliamentary authority over UK defence particularly BY STEALTH where defence procurement and the collective ownership of assets are concerned.
The EU has put in place policy which dictates that collectively-owned assets on land, air, sea and space are also subject collective policy. The collective nature of defence assets and policy is at present only conceptual but it is agreed and is timetabled to be vast within just a few years.” – Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British Forces, Afghanistan
* * * *
The opening
paragraph claimed: “Theresa May conceded yesterday that she is prepared to pay
up to £40 billion in return for a Brexit transition deal that means Britain
will as good as remain in the European Union until 2021.”
Note: The next general
election in the United Kingdom is scheduled to be held on 5 May 2022
under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011. (Provided the Act isn’t repealed or
ignored before that time; and provided Mrs May is still the Prime Minister; and
provided HM Queen is still Queen. And there are a number of other provisos that
I shan’t mention here that you can think about for yourself. It doesn’t require
a great deal of imagination.) Speaking
in the vernacular: ‘I think we are being shafted.’
* * * *
The BIG question is: ‘Can UK, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the rest of
the World wait that long?’
Oh, I almost forgot. There is also to be another presidential election in
the U.S. in 2020. And a German election tomorrow! I can’t bear it.
* * * *
I stand by the four secular principles that determine how some of us
address our national problems. They are not signs of weakness.
Cause no
Be honest
If you feel as I do, contact me by email on mkcolumn@gmail.com Tell me how you can add
your voice and energy to the rising tide of dissatisfaction with the way our
parliamentarians (and others) are letting us down, unwittingly or
intentionally. It doesn’t matter which.
On the internet, click on www.ukcolumn.org
at 1 p.m. for a 5-days-a-week news broadcast about the news that often ISN’T in The Times.
Or click to www.britishconstitutiongroup.com to learn how some ordinary men and women are preparing
to take action to protect themselves, and you, and the future of your family.
It is Time!
* * * * *